Juicy Tomatoes

Friday, October 12, 2007


What did you think 50 would be when you were growing up? Or... ohmigod, 60?? For most of us there was “young” and there was “old.” In the middle was something mushy and unappealing called “middle age” which slid more into the “old” category.
But times have changed and that’s because we have changed.
Would you call Isabella Rosellini matronly? Or Diane Keaton an old lady? What about your best friend .. or yourself?
We’re not buying into that old stereotype of life being over and stuffy and stodgy and regretful because of a number.
I've also decided to stop saying “50 is the new 40," because the truth is that “50 is the new 50” and "60 the new 60" and so forth.
On my new Juicy Tomatoes show on public radio (listen on www.juicytomatoes.com)
we started out talking about what is good and bad about getting older.
Now you tell me what you think.


At 6:24 AM, Blogger Izzy Rose said...

I feel so blessed to have such a juicy role model! Way to go- love the show.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Sophie Annan Jensen said...

It's so delicious to hear these vibrant women soaring into their fearless fifties with so much energy and diversity! It was a wonderful time for me, and now that I'm 20 years past that it's another wonderful time. It's different -- quieter, calmer, and once in a while younger friends actually listen to me. :-)


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