Camera Ready or Not?
My daughter who knows the TV biz says you should never wear white on camera, but black is okay as long as you're not in total black. Patterns and prints are problematic. No showing of cleavage or baring of toes. So when I went on Texas TV to talk about my book on women over 50 the anchor showed up in the green room to meet me and she was wearng a pastel strapless dress in a Hawaiian print and high heeled sandals. She was baring a lot. She was also tall and blonde and quite lovely and has pretty high ratings so her look must work for her. I decided that the best thing I had going for me, besides my forgettable black pants and red jacket, was to be enthusiastic and natural because that's my message to older women - be proud, be real and don't try to compete with 30-somethings.
A few years ago I appeared on camera in full TV makeup and I looked ridiculous, like my makeup had been done by a heavy-handed funeral director.
Now we have high definition TV which is forcing everyone to look like they do in the mirror. With every age spot and large pore showing. Soon there will be no faking your vintage or basic looks on camera. Bad skin and eye puffiness will be right there for all to see. Face lifts and cosmetic surgeries are also apparent with high definition.
This could be a good thing. Maye we will get used to seeing real faces and real ages on our TV screens, that look not unlike our own. It will make it easier for the rest of us.